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20 metre high giant swing unveiled at the Tallebudgera Active Recreation Centre

20 metre high giant swing unveiled at the Tallebudgera Active Recreation Centre
October 14, 2013

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iEDM integrate Design, Engineering and Delivery Management services to convert existing spaces into exciting new entertainment venues. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with diverse…

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Consultants / Design



Developed in Europe, this innovative system offers a safety management solution for swimming pools that checks individual swimmers via their wristband - monitoring their depth and time. Sensors…

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Aquatics / Hospitality / Safety / Technology / Waterparks



    SimplySwim is a school management solution that helps swimming school owners and managers optimize operations by automating functions such as managing class schedules, billing and…

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Aquatics / Education / Recreation / Safety / Technology



Commercial Aquatics Australia provides aquatic solutions nationwide and is one of the largest and most experienced companies specialising in the design, construction, renovation, service, maintenance…

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Aquatics / Design / Play / Waterparks


Felton Industries

Felton Industries is Australia’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of quality outdoor furniture and has been supplying premium seating solutions for all sporting, commercial, community…

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Parks / Play / Recreation / Sport / Venues



ABOUT SPORTENG specialises in the Planning, Design and Construction inspection of Fields of Play for all sports. Blending engineering with the specialist knowledge gained from working closely with…

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Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Surfaces / Venues



A leading designer and manufacturer of innovative waterslides and attractions, Australian Waterslides and Leisure (AWL) is also able to advise clients in the areas of concept and design, feasibility…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Waterparks



Switch to smarter fitness management software with Clubworx based in Australia that enables fitness businesses to start or grow their business with ease. - all in one place from anywhere in the…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


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