Track. Engage. Retain GreeneDesk is a suite of cloud based software solutions helping health clubs, leisure centres and swim schools to effectively track progression, improve customer engagement and…
read more28th June 2023 - New lookouts at Sydney’s North Head offer whale watching opportunities
21st June 2023 - Upgraded popular whale-watching Crackneck Lookout reopens on NSW Central Coast
8th June 2023 - Sunreef announces array of whale watching cruises for the season
19th May 2023 - Sea World team conduct specialised training to prepare for whale strandings and entanglements
19th February 2023 - Greenpeace highlights urgent action required to protect Australian whales
1st July 2022 - Hervey Bay whale watching season begins
27th June 2022 - Specialist whale stranding training conducted by Sea World team
27th October 2021 - NSW National Parks remind boat and jet ski operators to observe whale watching distance regulations
3rd October 2021 - Whale Watching set to restart in Jervis Bay
21st June 2021 - Western Australians encouraged to support Ningaloo Coast Humpback whale swim tour operators
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The Complete Guide to Leisure Industry Products & Services.
Track. Engage. Retain GreeneDesk is a suite of cloud based software solutions helping health clubs, leisure centres and swim schools to effectively track progression, improve customer engagement and…
read moreProSlide is the global leader in water ride design and manufacturing, supplying high-performance water attractions to new and expanding water parks around the world. For over three decades, ProSlide…
read moreAUSTRALIAN MADE. FIT FOR PURPOSE. Based on the Gold Coast, AlphaFit is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Australian gym equipment specifically for the commercial, strength and conditioning,…
read moreWe are the leading providers of kids fun multi-sports programs for Sport and Recreation Centres. Programs cover twelve common sports as well as Gross Motor Skill Development and suit children from as…
read moreGianni Mattoli Director 0412 360 378 E: E: Tony Aloi National Operations Manager 0425 762 864 E: MEL · SYD · ADE…
read moreINTRODUCTION Abel Sports is Australia’s leading manufacturer and suppliers of Goal Posts, sports ground safety netting systems and coaches boxes for Stadiums ,Sports Clubs, Councils and…
read moreLinks Modular Solutions was a leading provider of high-quality, innovative software solutions for aquatic and recreation facilities. Links Modular Solutions is now part of Xplor Technologies.
read moreAs of 2018, TicketServ operates as SeatGeek Asia Pacific Pty Limited, part of international ticketing platform SeatGeek. Click here to contact SeatGeek Asia Pacific via their entry in…
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