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Dragon’s Kingdom launched at Perth’s Adventure World

Dragon’s Kingdom launched at Perth’s Adventure World
October 5, 2012

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ICP is an Australian-based company focused on indoor climbing. ICP will manage your project from initial design to completion and beyond, whether you're building an international-level climbing…

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Attractions / Fitness / Recreation



Switch to smarter fitness management software with Clubworx based in Australia that enables fitness businesses to start or grow their business with ease. - all in one place from anywhere in the…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Yellowbox Lockers

Yellowbox is an Australian technology company that has developed smart locker technology operated through an app with a focus on experience for users and facility managers. Found at Beaches, Aquatic…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Entertainment / Retail / Security


BioLab Australia Pty Ltd

BioGuard is Australia and New Zealand’s most trusted supplier of premium, innovative and affordable commercial water treatment systems and chemicals. BioGuard offers a comprehensive range of…

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Aquatics / Technology / Waterparks


Fun Wheels Pty Ltd

Fun Wheels Pty Ltd are the premium dealer in Australasia for the Dutch company BERG’s commercial and domestic products. Our flagship product is their revolutionary pedal go-kart – the…

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Attractions / Tourism / Venues



Stadiums and venues around the world recognise that success hinges on more than just what happens on the pitch. More than ever, fan engagement within each facility is a critical part of the overall…

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Entertainment / Sport / Technology / Venues


Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness Equipment is now part of NovoFit - see

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


XBODY Australia Pty Ltd

PROVEN BUSINESS CONCEPTS WITH XBODY XBody’s goal is to see you and your EMS business succeed. That is why we don’t just sell equipment, we provide know-how, expert knowledge, business support…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness


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