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Far North District Council and Sportsville sign park management agreement

Far North District Council and Sportsville sign park management agreement
January 3, 2019

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Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness Equipment is now part of NovoFit - see

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness



Debitsuccess is now part of Xplor Technologies.

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Billing / Finance / Fitness / Golf / Recreation


TicketSearch Pty Ltd

TicketSearch is focused on providing businesses, organisations, and venues with affordable, efficient, and powerful self-managed ticketing solutions. The organisation has offices in Australia, New…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Technology / Ticketing / Venues


Fun Wheels Pty Ltd

Fun Wheels Pty Ltd are the premium dealer in Australasia for the Dutch company BERG’s commercial and domestic products. Our flagship product is their revolutionary pedal go-kart – the…

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Attractions / Tourism / Venues



Quayclean are a national cleaning and waste services partner with proven results in the understanding and delivery of cleaning needs and challenges faced by facilities including; major venues and…

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Aquatics / Hospitality / Surfaces / Venues



Clubware’s online gym software is not your run of the mill management system. It has been carefully designed to incorporate all the elements that a fitness club would need. How did we do that?…

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Access / Billing / Fitness / Recreation


Active World

Since 2019, Active World's development team has been delivering a comprehensive single solution that caters to the diverse requirements of successfully operated and managed leisure centres. The…

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Aquatics / Billing / Fitness / Recreation / Technology


XBODY Australia Pty Ltd

PROVEN BUSINESS CONCEPTS WITH XBODY XBody’s goal is to see you and your EMS business succeed. That is why we don’t just sell equipment, we provide know-how, expert knowledge, business support…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness


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