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Industry plan prompts Queensland Government to allow fitness clubs to operate with more than 20 exercisers

Industry plan prompts Queensland Government to allow fitness clubs to operate with more than 20 exercisers
June 4, 2020

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DAE Global

DAE Global is one of the world’s leading international creative and production practitioners, creating award-winning sport, culture and entertainment experiences for over 30 years.  It was…

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Culture / Entertainment / Events / Venues



Debitsuccess is now part of Xplor Technologies.

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Billing / Finance / Fitness / Golf / Recreation


Intelligenz Solutions

Intelligenz provides Leisure Management Software for managing all your Program Registrations, Facility Bookings, Membership Sales and POS Transactions; including detailed Reporting, automated…

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Access / Billing / Finance / Marketing / Technology


Technogym Australia

Technogym is the leading company in the Wellness and Fitness field all over the world. With 2,200 employees, 14 branches in Europe, U.S., South America, Asia  and Australia, Technogym exports its…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness



Exerp is a global IT specialist in member management software for the fitness and leisure industry. By focusing on the needs of large enterprises, where streamlining, control and scalability are…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness


Advanced Aquarium Technologies

Advanced Aquarium Technologies (AAT) is a world leader in the design, construction, and operation of landmark public aquariums. Led from Queensland, AAT has delivered aquarium projects in over 25…

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Attractions / Consultants / Design / Parks / Zoos


SeatGeek Asia Pacific

SeatGeek is a search engine and mobile-focused ticket marketplace that allows fans to buy and sell tickets for live events. As of August 2018, SeatGeek has exited the Australian, New…

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The Pool Enclosure Company

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