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Leaks see Gisborne District Council abandon reopening of 50 metre pool

Leaks see Gisborne District Council abandon reopening of 50 metre pool
June 2, 2020

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As of the 1st July 2018, Enta Australasia Pty Ltd/Best Union has been rebranded as Vivaticket Pty Ltd.  Vivaticket is the ideal strategic partner for the organisation and management of your…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Ticketing / Venues


Fun Wheels Pty Ltd

Fun Wheels Pty Ltd are the premium dealer in Australasia for the Dutch company BERG’s commercial and domestic products. Our flagship product is their revolutionary pedal go-kart – the…

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Attractions / Tourism / Venues



Parkequip is an approved supplier under the NSW LGP Contract 308 for a range of products including play equipment, shade, shelters, safe fall, park furniture and school outdoor seating. All materials…

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Fitness / Parks / Play / Recreation / Surfaces


TPEC Pool Enclosures

TPEC Pool Enclosures provide a large range of premium commercial and residential retractable swimming pool, spa and terrace enclosures throughout Australia, servicing residential, local government…

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Aquatics / Design / Recreation / Venues


Fluidra Commercial

  Fluidra Commercial Australia develops innovative, highly technical and sustainable solutions designed to create unique aquatic facilities for the 'Commercial Pool' category. Public…

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Aquatics / Environment / Sport / Technology / Waterparks


WATERPLAY Solutions Corp

Whether your goal is increasing your centre's revenues or creating an engaging environment, why not add play to your project? If you're looking for stylish aquatic play features, kid-tested…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Recreation / Waterparks


Myrtha Pools

Founded in 1961, Myrtha Pools® quickly became Italy’s première swimming pool company, and has since grown into one of the world's leading swimming pool construction…

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Aquatics / Design / Play / Waterparks / Wellness


Gladstone MRM

Gladstone Health & Leisure (Gladstone MRM Pty Ltd Australia) is a leading supplier of leisure management and fitness software and is endorsed by leading health and fitness professionals and…

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Access / Billing / Fitness / Technology / Venues


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