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New Perth Theatre Trust partnership focuses on arts for young people

New Perth Theatre Trust partnership focuses on arts for young people
August 18, 2015

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Intelligenz Solutions

Intelligenz provides Leisure Management Software for managing all your Program Registrations, Facility Bookings, Membership Sales and POS Transactions; including detailed Reporting, automated…

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Access / Billing / Finance / Marketing / Technology


AIS Water

AIS Water, the trading name of Australian Innovative Systems, is a multi-award winning, Australian owned leader in the design, production and supply of commercial and residential chlorine generators…

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Aquatics / Safety / Technology


Yellowbox Lockers

Yellowbox is an Australian technology company that has developed smart locker technology operated through an app with a focus on experience for users and facility managers. Found at Beaches, Aquatic…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Entertainment / Retail / Security


WATERPLAY Solutions Corp

Whether your goal is increasing your centre's revenues or creating an engaging environment, why not add play to your project? If you're looking for stylish aquatic play features, kid-tested…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Recreation / Waterparks


Fluidra Commercial

  Fluidra Commercial Australia develops innovative, highly technical and sustainable solutions designed to create unique aquatic facilities for the 'Commercial Pool' category. Public…

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Aquatics / Environment / Sport / Technology / Waterparks



As of the 1st July 2018, Enta Australasia Pty Ltd/Best Union has been rebranded as Vivaticket Pty Ltd.  Vivaticket is the ideal strategic partner for the organisation and management of your…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Ticketing / Venues


Advanced Aquarium Technologies

Advanced Aquarium Technologies (AAT) is a world leader in the design, construction, and operation of landmark public aquariums. Led from Queensland, AAT has delivered aquarium projects in over 25…

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Attractions / Consultants / Design / Parks / Zoos



Switch to smarter fitness management software with Clubworx based in Australia that enables fitness businesses to start or grow their business with ease. - all in one place from anywhere in the…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


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