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The Y announces opening date for Oberon’s new indoor fitness centre

The Y announces opening date for Oberon’s new indoor fitness centre
August 5, 2020

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Aflex Inflatables

Aflex Inflatables are the leaders for obstacle courses, pool toys, waterparks and land-based watersides and fitness runs. They are industry leaders offering the widest range of pool, lake and beach…

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Aquatics / Play / Waterparks


Summit Fitness

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Active World

Since 2019, Active World's development team has been delivering a comprehensive single solution that caters to the diverse requirements of successfully operated and managed leisure centres. The…

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Aquatics / Billing / Fitness / Recreation / Technology


Fun Wheels Pty Ltd

Fun Wheels Pty Ltd are the premium dealer in Australasia for the Dutch company BERG’s commercial and domestic products. Our flagship product is their revolutionary pedal go-kart – the…

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Attractions / Tourism / Venues


InterQuad (International Quadratics) 

InterQuad (International Quadratics)  With a combined legacy spanning over 150 years, International Quadratics (founded in 1976) and Pierce Pool Supplies (originally established in 1898 as A H…

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Aquatics / Safety / Technology / Waterparks


@leisure Planners

@leisure is a team of experienced leisure, aquatic and sports facility managers and planners, with market modelling, sports management, recreation planning, business and GIS qualifications. We have…

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Debitsuccess is now part of Xplor Technologies.

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Billing / Finance / Fitness / Golf / Recreation



revolutioniseSPORT is the emerging market leader in online club management in Australia. Whether it is memberships, registrations, events, online sales or governance tools - revolutioniseSPORT is the…

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Recreation / Sport / Technology


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