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Orange Regional Gallery looks to fundraising for its planned extension

Orange Regional Gallery looks to fundraising for its planned extension
June 22, 2020

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AMPD Academy

Originally founded to meet the specific training requirements of its own venue management operations, Ampd Academy now embraces a broader mission to combat skill shortages across Australian…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Education / Recreation / Safety


Jonas Leisure

Jonas Software operates over 110 independently managed software brands around the world, providing them with the strategic guidance and financial security required to be leaders in their respective…

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Aquatics / Billing / Fitness / Recreation / Sport



Parkequip is an approved supplier under the NSW LGP Contract 308 for a range of products including play equipment, shade, shelters, safe fall, park furniture and school outdoor seating. All materials…

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Fitness / Parks / Play / Recreation / Surfaces


WATERPLAY Solutions Corp

Whether your goal is increasing your centre's revenues or creating an engaging environment, why not add play to your project? If you're looking for stylish aquatic play features, kid-tested…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Recreation / Waterparks



A leading designer and manufacturer of innovative waterslides and attractions, Australian Waterslides and Leisure (AWL) is also able to advise clients in the areas of concept and design, feasibility…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Waterparks


Augmented Creative

Augmented Creative is an open organization of like-minded and highly dedicated, creative people who conceive, plan and execute visual solutions. We pursue new and innovative visual ideas to help…

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Arts / Attractions / Consultants / Design / Tourism



iEDM integrate Design, Engineering and Delivery Management services to convert existing spaces into exciting new entertainment venues. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with diverse…

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Consultants / Design


Links Modular Solutions

Links Modular Solutions was a leading provider of high-quality, innovative software solutions for aquatic and recreation facilities. Links Modular Solutions is now part of Xplor Technologies.

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Access / Billing / Finance / Fitness / Technology


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