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Queensland Government closes popular areas in national parks

Queensland Government closes popular areas in national parks
April 3, 2020

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Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness Equipment is now part of NovoFit - see

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Augmented Creative

Augmented Creative is an open organization of like-minded and highly dedicated, creative people who conceive, plan and execute visual solutions. We pursue new and innovative visual ideas to help…

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Arts / Attractions / Consultants / Design / Tourism


Links Modular Solutions

Links Modular Solutions was a leading provider of high-quality, innovative software solutions for aquatic and recreation facilities. Links Modular Solutions is now part of Xplor Technologies.

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Access / Billing / Finance / Fitness / Technology


Fluidra Commercial

  Fluidra Commercial Australia develops innovative, highly technical and sustainable solutions designed to create unique aquatic facilities for the 'Commercial Pool' category. Public…

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Aquatics / Environment / Sport / Technology / Waterparks


Aflex Inflatables

Aflex Inflatables are the leaders for obstacle courses, pool toys, waterparks and land-based watersides and fitness runs. They are industry leaders offering the widest range of pool, lake and beach…

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Aquatics / Play / Waterparks


Smart Connection Consultancy

Smart Connection Consultancy is a boutique sport and recreation consultancy who has become one of Australia’s leading advocates for the use of synthetic sports surfaces as a vehicle to grow…

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Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Surfaces


Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd

Australia’s leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical media filters suited to all types of commercial pools, water playgrounds marine parks, aquaculture and zoos. They are an ideal…

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Aquatics / Technology / Waterparks



A leading designer and manufacturer of innovative waterslides and attractions, Australian Waterslides and Leisure (AWL) is also able to advise clients in the areas of concept and design, feasibility…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Play / Waterparks


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