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Reopened Wentworthville Memorial Swim Centre includes new Life Floor splashpad surface

Reopened Wentworthville Memorial Swim Centre includes new Life Floor splashpad surface
May 5, 2021

Cumberland City Council’s recently reopened Wentworthville Memorial Swim Centre features a new Life Floor splashpad surface, alongside a 25 metre program pool with beach entry leisure pool, and general upgrade to all amenity buildings.

Following the successful completion of the Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre in 2017, NBRS Architecture was engaged in 2019 by Cumberland City Council (located in western Sydney) to provide upgrade concepts for their four remaining aquatic centres. NBRS Architecture provided the tender documentation to Cumberland City Council and were then engaged by Omnistruct to complete the design during construction.

The entire site has been redesigned into a state-of-the art facility that celebrates its mid-1960s heritage.

NBRS Architecture Life and Culture Studio Aquatics Expert Derek Mah comments “these facilities from the 1960s always provide a challenge… what do we keep and what do we lose to meet contemporary needs without breaking the budget or losing the soul of the site? We believe the locals will find the new facility refreshed but still familiar.

“The newly upgraded Wentworthville Memorial Swimming Centre features a new 25 metre program pool with beach entry leisure pool, splashpad, and general upgrade to all amenity buildings and site. The circular shaped splashpad features Life Floor tiles in a unique five colour geometric design. The installation is the first of its type in Sydney for a local government aquatic facility.

“Until now, splashpads have provided a dilemma for the architect in terms of the floor finish selection. The industry is familiar with experiences of adhesion issues with resilient pool flooring materials. While concrete finishes are good for longevity and slip resistance, they are unforgiving when little ones trip and fall. We believe we have found a material that can perform well in all respects without compromise. It made me smile on opening day as I watched a toddler stumble and fall onto the Life Floor, then get right back up again without tears.”

Cumberland City Council look forward to seeing the new facilities in use and becoming, once again, a much-loved hub for the community.

Click here to contact Life Floor (AUS & NZ) via their entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.

For more information on NBRS Architecture go to

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