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Softball bodies to make new home at La Trobe Sports Stadium

Softball bodies to make new home at La Trobe Sports Stadium
February 18, 2020

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Advanced Aquarium Technologies

Advanced Aquarium Technologies (AAT) is a world leader in the design, construction, and operation of landmark public aquariums. Led from Queensland, AAT has delivered aquarium projects in over 25…

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Attractions / Consultants / Design / Parks / Zoos



Digonex is a leading provider of customised dynamic pricing solutions to clients in arts and entertainment, sport, attractions, cultural institutions and retail sectors. Digonex’s technology is…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Technology / Ticketing



As of the 1st July 2018, Enta Australasia Pty Ltd/Best Union has been rebranded as Vivaticket Pty Ltd.  Vivaticket is the ideal strategic partner for the organisation and management of your…

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Attractions / Entertainment / Sport / Ticketing / Venues



Our team believes floors should be beautiful, comfortable, and engineered for safety, even when wet. Life Floor tiles meet six unique performance based standards: slip-resistance, impact absorption,…

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Aquatics / Play / Recreation / Safety / Surfaces



    SimplySwim is a school management solution that helps swimming school owners and managers optimize operations by automating functions such as managing class schedules, billing and…

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Aquatics / Education / Recreation / Safety / Technology


Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd

Australia’s leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical media filters suited to all types of commercial pools, water playgrounds marine parks, aquaculture and zoos. They are an ideal…

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Aquatics / Technology / Waterparks



revolutioniseSPORT is the emerging market leader in online club management in Australia. Whether it is memberships, registrations, events, online sales or governance tools - revolutioniseSPORT is the…

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Recreation / Sport / Technology



Exerp is a global IT specialist in member management software for the fitness and leisure industry. By focusing on the needs of large enterprises, where streamlining, control and scalability are…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness


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