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Wyndham City nears completion of sporting infrastructure upgrades

Wyndham City nears completion of sporting infrastructure upgrades
June 28, 2023

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Track. Engage. Retain GreeneDesk is a suite of cloud based software solutions helping health clubs, leisure centres and swim schools to effectively track progression, improve customer engagement and…

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Aquatics / Billing / Education / Fitness / Technology


Active World

Since 2019, Active World's development team has been delivering a comprehensive single solution that caters to the diverse requirements of successfully operated and managed leisure centres. The…

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Aquatics / Billing / Fitness / Recreation / Technology



Contact: Australia: (+61) 1800 849 001 New Zealand: (+64) 3 668 5727 International: (+1) 415 915 0375

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology


Summit Fitness

Summit Fitness Equipment is now part of NovoFit - see

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Smart Connection Consultancy

Smart Connection Consultancy is a boutique sport and recreation consultancy who has become one of Australia’s leading advocates for the use of synthetic sports surfaces as a vehicle to grow…

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Consultants / Recreation / Sport / Surfaces


XBODY Australia Pty Ltd

PROVEN BUSINESS CONCEPTS WITH XBODY XBody’s goal is to see you and your EMS business succeed. That is why we don’t just sell equipment, we provide know-how, expert knowledge, business support…

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Fitness / Technology / Wellness



Geoff Ninnes Fong & Partners (GNFP) is a structural, aquatic and civil engineering consultancy with broad experience in the design of new municipal and institutional swimming pools, hydrotherapy…

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Aquatics / Consultants / Design / Venues



Parkequip is an approved supplier under the NSW LGP Contract 308 for a range of products including play equipment, shade, shelters, safe fall, park furniture and school outdoor seating. All materials…

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Fitness / Parks / Play / Recreation / Surfaces


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