Turf One

03 5734 1900
PO Box 245
Whittlesea VIC 3757

Rockdale City Suns’ Bicentennial Park to get first synthetic field in Bayside Council area

Sydney’s Bayside Council has accepted a $1.5 million tender to install an artificial turf surface at its Bicentennial Park, how of Football NSW National Premier League side Rockdale…

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Jun 7, 2017 Sport / Surfaces / Venues /


FNSW Forum sees launch of Football Facilities resource

NSW's state football governing bodies Football NSW and Northern NSW Football have today launched a new website, www.footballfacilities.com.au, an online resource that includes detailed…

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Nov 6, 2015 Design / Sport / Surfaces / Technology / Venues /


Warringah Council opens two synthetic sports fields

A $4.3 million project to provide a massive 17,000 metre² artificial turf sporting facility has been opened at Melwood Oval on Sydney's Northern Beaches. The major new regional…

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Aug 21, 2015 Sport / Surfaces /