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Federal budget includes $385 million to implement Sport 2030 plan

Federal budget includes $385 million to implement Sport 2030 plan
April 3, 2019

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AUSTRALIAN MADE. FIT FOR PURPOSE. Based on the Gold Coast, AlphaFit is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Australian gym equipment specifically for the commercial, strength and conditioning,…

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Fitness / Recreation / Technology / Wellness


Enta Australasia

As of the 1st July 2018, Enta Australasia Pty Ltd/Best Union has been rebranded as VIVATICKET Pty Ltd.  Click here to view the VIVATICKET Pty Ltd listing.  19th July 2018 - ENTA…

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Technology / Ticketing / Venues


BH Fitness

BH Fitness, part of the long-standing and iconic bike manufacturer BH Group, is a global leader in fitness equipment for both Commercial and Home markets. The company, with the headquarters based in…

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Fitness / Recreation / Sport / Technology / Wellness


Altitude Training Systems

ATS are global leaders in altitude training and research. From mask systems and inflatable tents to simulated altitude facilities, we help all athletes gain the competitive edge. Our…

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Fitness / Sport / Technology


Augmented Creative

Augmented Creative is an open organization of like-minded and highly dedicated, creative people who conceive, plan and execute visual solutions. We pursue new and innovative visual ideas to help…

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Arts / Attractions / Consultants / Design / Tourism



Quayclean are a national cleaning and waste services partner with proven results in the understanding and delivery of cleaning needs and challenges faced by facilities including; major venues and…

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Aquatics / Hospitality / Surfaces / Venues


AIS Water

AIS Water, the trading name of Australian Innovative Systems, is a multi-award winning, Australian owned leader in the design, production and supply of commercial and residential chlorine generators…

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Aquatics / Safety / Technology


AMPD Academy

Originally founded to meet the specific training requirements of its own venue management operations, Ampd Academy now embraces a broader mission to combat skill shortages across Australian…

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Aquatics / Attractions / Education / Recreation / Safety


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