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NSW Government announces soundproofing grants for live music venues

NSW Government announces soundproofing grants for live music venues
June 30, 2024

Aiming to rebuild Sydney’s night-time economy through the support of live music venues, the NSW Government had today announced that 77 venues will receive grants of up to $100,000 for soundproofing their venues and to encourage live entertainment.

The move coincides with new noise complaint regulations coming into effect from 1st July that it is claimed will protect venues from serial complainants, while sound proofing grants will, according to the NSW Government “protect residents’ right to a good night’s sleep”.

Venues as diverse as inner-city clubs and country pubs are among the venues which will benefit from the grants, with 21 venues - including Darlinghurst’s Club 77, The Lansdowne Hotel in Chippendale and Avoca Theatre - each set to receive up to $100,000 each.

56 venues will be given up to $80,000 to help host live performances, including iconic Bondi venue Icebergs, Newtown’s Rising Sun Workshop, Yulli’s in Surry Hills, Penrith dive bar Elton Chong and The Family Hotel in Bathurst.

Announcing the initiative, NSW Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy, John Graham stated “the old NSW sport of moving in next to a music venue and complaining until it gets shut down, is now history. That era is coming to an end.

“The soundproofing and venue support will mean venues can host more live music, whilst reducing the impact on their neighbours.

“We made a commitment to increase the number of live music venues across NSW and through ongoing reform and the Venues Unlocked grant programs we are enabling venues to expand their offerings, while also supporting new music venues to get their performance programming off the ground.”

The noise and licensing reforms coming into effect from tomorrow include:

• Order of occupancy. This will become a central consideration in determining disturbance complaints and considers whether the licensed venue or the complainant occupied their premises first. The party established first will be favoured in determining disturbance complaints. This will prevent incoming residents restricting the entertainment offerings or operating hours of already established venues.

• Simplifying noise complaint process. Liquor & Gaming NSW will become the lead regulator for noise complaints relating to licensed premises. Previously, seven agencies have managed noise complaints.

• Complainants. The number of people required to make a statutory disturbance complaint against a licensed premises will increase from three to five. They must not be from the same household or business and will be required to prove that they have tried to resolve any issues with the licensee before lodging a complaint.

• Take-away alcohol for small bars. Temporary allowances for limited take-away sales from small bars that were introduced during the covid-19 pandemic will become permanent.

• New extended trading applications for hotels that schedule live music or arts and cultural events.

• Streamlined consultation processes for liquor licence applications and community feedback, reducing costs for applicants and making it quicker and easier for the community to have their say.

As the new regulations come into effect the Venues Unlocked package delivers grants that support new and existing venues to host more live gigs without further impacting neighbours, through two programs:

• Soundproofing Grants will support 21 new and existing venues with up to $100,000 to help them achieve best-practice soundproofing and sound management.

• Live Performance Venue grants will support 56 venues with up to $80,000 for essential equipment, programming and marketing costs.

More information on the grants is available on the Venues Unlocked website at

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