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Work commences on new Blacktown Disability Sports Centre

Work commences on new Blacktown Disability Sports Centre
July 31, 2024

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Polin Waterparks

Polin was founded in Istanbul in 1976, and has since grown into a leading company in the waterparks industry. Today Polin is one of the world leaders in the design, production, and installation of…

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State Wide Pool Services

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Altitude Training Systems

ATS are global leaders in altitude training and research. From mask systems and inflatable tents to simulated altitude facilities, we help all athletes gain the competitive edge. Our…

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Fitness / Sport / Technology


Riedel Communications Australia Pty Ltd

We live for media production and global events, providing real-time networks for video, audio, data and communications.

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Entertainment / Events / Technology / Venues



Ausfit began in 1992, providing software services to the health and fitness sector including ClubWise, a fully hosted web-based product which combines state of the art club management software,…

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Billing / Finance / Fitness / Technology


Goplay Commercial Playground Equipment

Goplay designs and manufactures specialised playground equipment for indoor play centres, hotels, food chains, clubs and resorts. If our years of experience and dedication have taught us one thing,…

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Track. Engage. Retain GreeneDesk is a suite of cloud based software solutions helping health clubs, leisure centres and swim schools to effectively track progression, improve customer engagement and…

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Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd

Australia’s leading manufacturer of horizontal and vertical media filters suited to all types of commercial pools, water playgrounds marine parks, aquaculture and zoos. They are an ideal…

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